Academic Papers

(99) “ΜΕΤΑΝΟΕΩ and ΜΕΤΑΝΟΙΑ in 2 Clement: Repentance, a Revised Outlook, or Conversion?” SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 24, 2019

(98)  “Der Begriff ΜΕΤΑΝΟΕΩ im Zweiten Klemensbrief und frühen Christentum.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Regensburg, October 24, 2019

(97) “The Longer Ending of Mark (16:9–20): The Reception of Mark and Other Gospels in the Early-Second Century.” Colloquium on the Gospel of Mark, Theological Institute of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, Moscow, September 26, 2019

(96)  “The Concept of Repentance in Second Clement.” Patristics Research Seminar, Newman Institute, Uppsala, May 8, 2019

(95)  “How Did Second Clement Originally End? A Study of 2 Clement 19–20.” Short paper, Society of New Testament Studies, Athens, Greece, August 10, 2018

(94)  Response to Cilliers Breytenbach, “The Athenian Apologists and the History of Second-Century Christianity in Athens.” Society of New Testament Studies, Athens, Greece, August 9, 2018

(93)  Response to Tommy Wasserman, “Jesus the Miracle Worker in the Gospel of John.” Conference on Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity, Örebro School of Theology, Sweden, March 9, 2018

(92)  “The Ecclesiologies of Ephesians and Second Clement: Pauline Reception and the Church’s Preexistence.” Paulusrezeptionen im frühen Christentum: Von den Anfängen bis zu Irenäus, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 6, 2017

(91) “The Preexistence of the Church in Ephesians and Second Clement.” U4 Winter School in Antiquity, convened by classicists from the Universities of Ghent, Göttingen, Uppsala, and Naples), University of Naples, March 8, 2017

(90)  Response to Giovanni B. Bazzana, “Pneumatology and Ecclesiology in 2 Clement 14.” Society of New Testament Studies, Montreal, August 4, 2016

(89)  “Eschatology, Androgynous Thinking, and the Question of Antignosticism in 2 Clement 12.” Seminar paper, Society of New Testament Studies, Montreal, August 3, 2016

(88)  “En svensk översättning av Eusebios ad Marinum I.1–II.1: Inställningar till textkritik samt harmonisering av bibliska texter i den tidiga kyrkan” [A Swedish translation of Eusebius ad Marinum I.1–II.1: Views of Textual Criticism and the Harmonization of Biblical Texts in the Early Church]. Natan Söderblom Sällskapet [Natan Söderblom Society], Uppsala University, September 22, 2015

(87)  “2 Clement and Gnosticism: The status quaestionis.” Short paper, Society of New Testament Studies, Amsterdam, July 31, 2015

(86)  “The Problem of Pigeonholing a Prooftexter: Or, What Might Second Clement’s Citations Say about the Author’s Possibly ‘Gnostic’ and/or anti-‘Gnostic’ Standpoint?” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Regensburg, June 16, 2015

(85)  “Faith and Righteousness in Second Clement: Probing the Purported Influence of ‘Late Judaism’ and the Beginnings of ‘Early Catholicism.’” Neutestamentliches Forschungsseminar, Universität Zürich, February 19, 2015

(84) “Faith(fulness) and Righteous(ness) in Second Clement.’” Patristics Research Seminar, Newman Institute, Uppsala, January 14, 2015

(83)  “Faith(fulness) and Righteous(ness) in Second Clement.’” Örebro School of Theology, Sweden, December 12, 2014

(82)  Response to Denise K. Buell, “What Does It Mean to Speak about Ethnicity in the Bible?” Ethnicity in the Bible and in Biblical Scholarship, Lund University, Sweden, September 30, 2013

(81)  “John the Baptist as an Abstainer from Food and Jesus as a ‘Glutton’: (Non-)Participation in Meals as a Source of Negative Social and Cultural Capital.” Symposium on “Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship, and the Eucharist – Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity.” Metouchi, Lesbos, Greece, September 19, 2013

(80)  “Der Verfolger als Gottes Widersacher in der Apostelgeschichte.” Der Widersacher Gottes – L’adversaire de Dieu: Internationales Symposion der Theologischen Fakultäten Strasbourg-Tübingen-Uppsala, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, June 28, 2013

(79)  “If Second Clement Really Were a Sermon, How Would We Know, and Why Would We Care? Prolegomena to Analyses of the Writing’s Genre and Community.” Conference on “Christian Communities in the Second Century: Between Idea(l) and Reality,” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, September 26, 2012

(78)  “Reciprocity as Salvation: Christ as Salvific Patron and the Corresponding ‘Payback’ Owed by Christ’s Earthly Clients according to the Second Letter of Clement,” Short paper, Society of New Testament Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, August 3, 2012

(77)  “Nya testamentets exegetik som akademiskt ämne med relevans för andra ämnen och för alla människor” [New Testament Studies as an Academic Subject with Relevance for Other Subjects and All People]. Inaugural lecture, Uppsala University, November 17, 2011

(76)  “Improvising Two Different Responses to Persecution: First Peter’s Innovations and Relationship to the Corpus Paulinum.” Colloquium on Der 1. Petrusbrief im 21. Jahrhundert: Leonhard Goppelts Erben im Gespräch. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, November 5, 2011

(75)  “Reciprocity as Salvation: Christ as Salvific Patron and the Corresponding ‘Payback’ Owed by Christ’s Earthly Clients according to the Second Letter of Clement.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, October 31, 2011

(74)  “Der 2. Klemensbrief: Fragen nach der Entstehung der Askese und nach der Rezeption des Neuen Testaments / The Second Letter of Clement: Questions about the Origins of Asceticism and the Reception of the New Testament.” Colloquium on Askese und Exegese im frühen Christentum, Institut für Katholische Theologie, Universität Siegen, October 28, 2011

(73)  “Reflections on the Roman Patronage System and the Concept of Salvation in 2 Clement.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Regensburg, October 25, 2011

(72)  “The Concept of God in Second Clement/Das Gottesbild im 2. Klemensbrief.”
XIV. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie, Wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaft für Theologie, Zürich, September 14, 2011

(71)  “The Search for Confessors at the Council of Nicaea, and Early Christian Martyrdom according to John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.” Patristics Research Seminar, Newman Institute, Uppsala, May 4, 2011

(70)  “Persecution in the Gospel of Luke.” Örebro School of Theology, Sweden, January 27, 2011

(69)  “Forms of Contact with the Supernatural in the Construction of Christianity: Experiencing and Assigning Value to Persecution in the New Testament.” Construction of Christian Identities Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 20, 2010

(68)  “The Ethics of Basing One’s Standing in Christ on the Endurance of Persecution.” New Testament and Ethics Session, Central States SBL, St. Louis, March 22, 2010

(67)  “Trajectories in New Testament Studies Today: Mark and Methodology.” Uppsala University, February 16, 2010

(66)  “The Depictions of Paul and Other Jews as Present and Former Persecutors in the Acts of the Apostles.” Chicago Society of Biblical Research Meeting, October 24, 2009

(65)  “’He Ate Grasshoppers and Wild Honey’: John the Baptist and Methodology in Early Christian Studies.” New Testament research seminar, Loyola University Chicago, October 23, 2009

(64)  “The Depictions of Paul’s Suffering in Colossians and Second Timothy.” Society of New Testament Studies, Vienna, August 7, 2009

(63)  “The Suffering of Paul in the Pastoral Epistles.” SBL International Meeting, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, July 4, 2009

(62)  “Paul on Suffering as a Sign of Fidelity and an Integral Component of the Christian Life.” SBL International Meeting, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, July 3, 2009

(61)  “The Persecution of Paul, the Former Persecutor, according to the Acts of the Apostles.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Regensburg, June 25, 2009

(60)  “Colossians and Second Timothy: Deutero-Pauline Witnesses to Differences in not only Eschatology but also the Value of Suffering in the Christian Life.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, May 16, 2009

(59)  “Withstanding Persecution as an Integral Component of Faithfulness in the Undisputed Pauline Letters.” Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums, Universität Tübingen, May 11, 2009

(58)  “Paul as Former Persecutor of the Church in 1 Timothy and as Model of Enduring Persecution in 2 Timothy.” Neutestamentliches Oberseminar, Universität Leipzig, May 6, 2009

(57)  “Suffering as Defense of Paul’s Apostolic Authority in Galatians and 2 Corinthians 11.” New Testament Research Seminar, Uppsala University, April 23, 2009

(56)  “New Testament Constructions of Power and Legitimacy Based on Persecution.” Lutheran World Federation Theological Seminar, Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today. Augsburg, Germany, March 28, 2009

(55)  Response to David A. Brondos, “Recovering sola scriptura as a Liberating Principle: Reflections from the Global South.” Lutheran World Federation Theological Seminar, Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today. Augsburg, Germany, March 27, 2009

(54)  “A Tale of Two Markan Characterizations: The Exemplary Woman Who Anointed Jesus’ Body for Burial (14:3-9) and the Silent Trio Who Fled the Empty Tomb (16:1-8).” Women in the Religious and Intellectual Activity of the Ancient Mediterranean World: An Interdisciplinary and International Conference in Honor of Adela Yarbro Collins, The Ohio State University/Methodist Theological School in Ohio, March 17, 2009

(53)  “Revisiting the Question of Markan Opponents: The Orthopraxis of Cross-bearing as Both Exhortation and Warning.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, January 28, 2009

(52)  “Readiness to Suffer as Confirmation of Believers’ Standing in the Gospel of Mark: Negative Depictions of the Twelve as a Call to Committed Discipleship.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, December 13, 2008

(51) “The Audacity of Hope in First Peter That a Faithful Response to Suffering Will Convert One’s Oppressors and Thereby Further the Christian Mission.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, October 25, 2008

(50) “Persecution, Persuasion and Power in the Revelation of John.” Short paper, Society of New Testament Studies, Lund University, Sweden, August 1, 2008

(49)  “Persecution and the Authentication of Faith in the Book of Hebrews.” Neutestamentliche Sozietät, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, July 21, 2008

(48)  “The Relevance of Revelation’s Date and of the Imperial Cult for Interpreting John’s Valuation of Suffering in Revelation 1–3.” Apokalypse-Symposium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, July 12, 2008

(47)  “Hippolytus of Rome on the Magic of ‘Heretical’ Miracle Workers: Elenchos (Refutatio) IV.28–42 in Light of the Greek Magical Papyri.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 22, 2008

(46)  “‘Hippolytus,’ Magic and ‘Heretical’ Miracle Workers: An Examination of Elenchos IV. 28–42 in Light of the Greek Magical Papyri.” Early Christian Studies Workshop, University of Chicago, May 19, 2008

(45)  “Persecution, Persuasion and Power in the Revelation of John.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, May 9, 2008

(44)  “Suffering, Authority and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark.” Neutestamentliches Kolloquium, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, November 23, 2007

(43)  “Suffering as Authentication of Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark.” Biblical Studies Research Seminar, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, November 9, 2007

(42)  “Der Begriff des ‘Evangeliums’ im zweiten Jahrhundert” [The Concept of “Gospel” in the Second Century]. Neutestamentliches Oberseminar, Evangelisch-theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, October 23, 2007

(41)  “Suffering and Authority in Early Christianity.” University of St. Andrews, Scotland, June 29, 2007

(40)  “Suffering and Authority in the Gospel of Matthew.” Central States SBL Meeting,
St. Louis, March 25, 2007

(39)  “Ethnography and Food: Interpreting the Diet of John the Baptist in the Gospel of Mark.” Corpus Hellenisticum Novi TestamentiConsultation, SBL Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 20, 2006

(38)  “The Diet of John the Baptist: ‘Locusts and Wild Honey’ in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation.” Poster Session, SBL Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 20, 2005

(37)  “Suppressing Human Anger in Early Christianity: Examples from the Pauline Tradition.” Psychology and Biblical Studies Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 19, 2005

(36)  “Scientific, Sociological and Early Christian Perspectives on Food and Nutrition: John the Baptist’s ‘Locusts and Wild Honey.’” Conference on Early Christian Studies and the Academic Disciplines, Center for the Study of Early Christianity, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., June 6, 2005

(35)  “Paul’s Suffering and Authority: Some Preliminary Observations.” Central States SBL Meeting, Eureka, Missouri, April 4, 2005

(34)  “Did Basilides Write a ‘Gospel’?” Midwest SBL Meeting, Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois, February 19, 2005

(33)  Review of Daniel Wanke, Das Kreuz Christi bei Irenäus von Lyon (2000). Session on Irenaeus in Recent Scholarship, North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 29, 2004

(32)  “The Diet of John the Baptist: Early Christian Asceticism and Biblical Interpretation.” Session on Asceticism, North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 29, 2004

(31)  “A Day in the Life of the Historical Baptist: Locust-Gathering and the Nutritional Aspects of ‘Locusts and Wild Honey.’” Chicago Society of Biblical Research Meeting, April 17, 2004

(30)  “John the Baptist’s ‘Wild Honey.’” Central States SBL Meeting, St. Louis, March 29, 2004

(29)  “John the Baptist’s Diet as ‘Vegetarian’ and a Model of Asceticism: ‘Locusts,’ Wild Honey and the imitatio Iohannis in Patristic and Subsequent Christian Interpretation.” Early Christian Studies Workshop, University of Chicago, March 8, 2004

(28)  “The Diet of John the Baptist: Themes in Allegorical Patristic Interpretation.” History of Interpretation Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 24, 2003

(27)  “The ‘Vegetarian’ Diet of John the Baptist according to the Gospel of the Ebionites and Certain Witnesses to Tatian’s Diatessaron.” Christian Apocrypha Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 23, 2003

(26)  “Mark 1:6c||Matt 3:4c (“Locusts and Wild Honey”): John the Baptist and Other Locust-Eating Wilderness Dwellers in Antiquity.” Central States SBL Meeting, St. Louis, April 6, 2003

(25)  “Locusts and Wild Honey: The Status Quaestionis Concerning the Diet of John the Baptist.” Midwest SBL Meeting, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 23, 2003

(24)  “The Struggle to Define Heilsgeschichte: Paul on ‘Christian Origins.’” Chicago Society of Biblical Research Meeting, February 15, 2003

(23)  “Paul on Christian Origins.” SBL Annual Meeting, Toronto, November 24, 2002

(22)  “ΕUΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ in the Apostolic Fathers and Basilides.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 24, 2002

(21)  “The Origins of Christianity according to Paul.” Midwest SBL Meeting, University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, Illinois, February 23, 2002

(20)  “Mark’s Longer Ending (Mark 16:9–20) and Gospel Traditions in the Second Century.” Invited lecture, Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, January 15, 2002

(19)  “The Text of the NT in the Second Century: Methodological Considerations for Ascertaining Literary Dependence.” New Testament Textual Criticism Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Denver, November 19, 2001

(18)  “The Rhetoric of Miracle Discourse in the Writings of Paul.” Rhetoric and the New Testament Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Denver, November 19, 2001

(17)  “Marcianus Aristides on Christian Orthopraxis and the Definition of Christians as a Distinctive Ethnic Group.” Session on the Rhetoric of Race in Christian Self-Definition, North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 26, 2001

(16)  “Appeals to Authority in References to Miracles in the Writings of Paul and Justin Martyr.” Midwest SBL Meeting, University of Notre Dame, February 10, 2001

(15)  “Paul and Justin on the Miraculous.” Saint Louis University, January 19, 2001

(14)  “Some Initial Observations concerning Ethnicity and Religious Identity in the Apology of Marcianus Aristides of Athens.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 26, 2000

(13)  “The Apostle Paul and the Roman State: An Idealized Hope concerning Governmental Authority? (Rom 13:1–7).” Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, California, March 1, 2000

(12)  “The Apology of Marcianus Aristides of Athens: Some Initial Probings.” Midwest SBL Meeting, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, February 14, 2000

(11)  “The Witness of Eusebius’ ad Marinum and Other Christian Writings to Text-Critical Debates concerning the Original Conclusion to Mark’s Gospel.” Association of Chicago Theological Schools New Testament Group, McCormick Theological Seminary, January 25, 2000

(10)  “Text-Critical Debates concerning the Original Conclusion to the Gospel of Mark in Christian Writings of the Fourth through the Twelfth Centuries.” University of Chicago Divinity School, January 20, 2000

(9)    “The Witness of Eusebius’ ad Marinum to Text-Critical Debates concerning the Original Conclusion to Mark’s Gospel.” New Testament Textual Criticism Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Boston, November 21, 1999

(8)    “Ordinary Christians as Miracle-Workers in the New Testament and the Second- and Third-Century Christian Apologists.” Chicago Society of Biblical Research Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, January 31, 1999

(7)    “Drinking Poison in the Christian Apocrypha and Other Early Christian Literature.” Christian Apocrypha Section, SBL Annual Meeting, Orlando, November 21, 1998

(6)    “Matthew and the Earthly Jesus: A Response to Jack Dean Kingsbury.” Symposium on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture, North Park Theological Seminary, Chicago, October 23, 1998

(5)    “The Papias Tradition of Justus Barsabbas as a Drinker of Poison according to Eusebius of Caesarea and Philip of Side.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 30, 1998

(4)    “Aspects of Change in the Depiction of Snakes in the Religions of the Greco-Roman World.” American Academy of Religion, Midwest Regional Meeting, DePaul University, Chicago, March 21, 1998

(3)    “The Disciples as Miracle Workers in the Synoptic Gospels as Compared with Mark’s Longer Ending (Mark 16:9–20).” Midwest SBL Meeting, Marquette University, Wisconsin, February 17, 1998

(2)    “The Presentations of Miracles and Conversion in the Acts of the Apostles and in the Writings of Paul as Compared with Mark’s Longer Ending (Mark 16:9–20).” New Testament Research Seminar, Uppsala University, December 18, 1997

(1)    “Apologetic Aspects of Justin Martyr on the Miraculous.” North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting, Loyola University Chicago, May 29, 1997

Public Lectures

(53) “Ad fontes! Grundtexten i lutersk teologi idag” [To the sources! The Bible in Contemporary Lutheran Theology]. Lectures for the Diocese of Växjö, S:t Sigfrids folkhögskola, Kronoberg, Växjö, Sweden, October 9, 2019

(52b)   “Grundtextens betydelse för predikan och förkunnelse idag” [The Relevance of the Bible for Preaching and Proclamation Today]. Continuing education for priests in Uppsala, March, 27, 2019

(52a)    “Grundtextens betydelse för predikan och förkunnelse idag.” Lectures for the Diocese of Västerås, in Rättvik and Falun, October–November, 2018

(51)  “Bibelsamtal inför söndagen.” Wednesday discussions over lunch on the lectionary texts for the coming Sunday, Uppsala Cathedral, approximately once a month, Spring 2016–Fall 2018

(50)  Lectures on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Liv i gemenskap” [Life Together]. Långtora church in Örsundsbro, Sweden. July 27, 2015

(49)  “Förföljelse i Nya testamentet som ett exegetiskt, hermeneutiskt, och etiskt problem” [Persecution in the New Testament as an exegetical, hermeneutical, and ethical problem]. Forum för teologi och filosofi, Sankt Ansgar Church, Uppsala, March 2, 2015

(48)  Featured speaker at “Katedraldagarna” (Cathedral Days), Uppsala Cathedral and Långtora church in Örsundsbro. Lectures on “An Unanticipated Visit,” “A Planned Mission,” “An Unplanned Mission,” and “An Unanticipated ‘Friend.’” August 14–17, 2014

(47)  “Söndagsskola för vuxna” [Sunday School for Adults]. Uppsala Cathedral, approximately one Sunday per month, 2012–2014

(46)  “Min syn på den vetenskapliga exegetiken i relation till den kyrkliga Bibelutläggningen” [My perspective on scholarly exegesis in relation to the church’s interpretation of the Bible.] Uppsala Stifts forskarnätverk, Uppsala, February 11, 2013

(45)  Response to Magnus Evertsson (Lund), “Lukasliknelser och deras nutida användning i Svenska kyrkan” [The Parables of Luke and Their Contemporary Use in the Church of Sweden]. Forskningsenheten på Kyrkokansliet, Uppsala, May 9, 2012

(44)  Inter-religious dialogue in Turkey: a journey with Jews, Muslims, Christians of various confessions, sponsored by the Niagara Foundation, July 1–10, 2011. Travel to religious sites of historic and contemporary significance in Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, and Konya

(43)  Response to Hans Leander, “Discourses of Empire: Mark’s Gospel from a Postcolonial Perspective.” Forskningsenheten på Kyrkokansliet, Uppsala, May 2, 2011

(42)  “Teologen idag” [The Faculty of Theology Today]. Terminsmingel

[faculty-student social]

, Uppsala University, April 5, 2011

(41)  “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Bible but Were Afraid to Ask.”
Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church, St. Louis, December 5, 2010

(40)  “Overview of the Synoptic Gospels.” Three-week adult forum at Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, November, 2010

(39)  “At the Archangel’s Cry and the Sound of the Trumpet: Paul on the Resurrection of the Dead.” Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church, St. Louis, November 14, 2010

(38d)   “New Testament Concepts of Hardship and Persecution in the Christian Life.” Adult forum, Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church, St. Louis, October, 2010

(38c) “New Testament Concepts of Hardship and Persecution in the Christian Life.” Trinity Lutheran Church, Chesterfield, Missouri, September, 2010

(38b)   “New Testament Concepts of Hardship and Persecution in the Christian Life.” Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, January–February, 2010

(38a)    “New Testament Concepts of Hardship and Persecution in the Christian Life.” Christ Lutheran Church, Webster Groves, Missouri, January, 2010

(37)  “Echoes of Paulinism in Early Christianity,” Five-week lay education course on the New Testament Deutero-Pauline Letters, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, September–October, 2010

(36)  “The Life and Letters of Paul,” Five-week lay education course, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, April–May, 2010

(35)  “Overview of the Scriptures.” Saint John Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church, St. Louis, May 16, 2010

(34)  “Last Call: Don’t Be ‘Left Behind’ on Biblical Scholarship on Revelation.” Lecture in the “Theology on Tap” series at The Royale Bar and Grill, St. Louis, February 28, 2010

(33)  “Beobachtungen zum Kontext der Exegese, der Ökumene und des Dialogs” [Observations about Context for Exegesis, Ecumenism and Dialog]. Lecture for Theology students from German and Swiss universities subsequent to a yearlong program of study in Jerusalem (Theologisches Studienjahr Jerusalem), Munich, May 2, 2009

(32)  “Faithfulness in Suffering as a Component of Pauline Soteriology,” Lecture to undergraduate students, Uppsala University, April 24, 2009

(31)  “Ein amerikanischer Neutestamentler in München: Lebenslauf und Beruf” [An American New Testament Scholar in Munich: Résumé and Vocation]. Feodor-Lynen-Gymnasium, Planegg, Germany, January 22, 2009

(30)  “Syllabus Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Formulating and Communicating Outcomes and Goals for Student Learning.” Saint Louis University Theology Faculty-Graduate Student Colloquium, March 27, 2007

(29e)    “Early Christian Apocalypses: Shall We Worry About Being ‘Left Behind’?” Four-week adult forum, Christ Lutheran Church, Webster Groves, Missouri, February, 2007

(29d)   “Early Christian Apocalypses: Shall We Worry About Being ‘Left Behind’?” Six-week lay education course, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, April–May, 2005

(29c) “Early Christian Apocalypses: Shall We Worry About Being ‘Left Behind’?” Six-week adult forum, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, April–May, 2005

(29b)   “Early Christian Apocalypses: Shall We Worry About Being ‘Left Behind’?” Three-week adult forum, Grace United Methodist Church, Webster Groves, Missouri, October, 2005

(29a)    “Early Christian Apocalypses: Shall We Worry About Being ‘Left Behind’?” Four-week adult forum, First Presbyterian Church, Kirkwood, Missouri, March–April, 2006

(28)  “Letters Paul (Probably) Did Not Write.” Four-week adult forum on the six New Testament Deutero-Pauline Letters, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, January, 2007

(27)  “New Testament Issues: Currents and Trends.” Talk given to St. Louis area Lutheran clergy, St. Thomas/Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, January 11, 2007

(26)  Interview on “The Magi” with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper, December, 2007

(25)  “Romans: Paul’s Theological Résumé.” Two-week adult forum, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Creve Coeur, Missouri, October, 2006

(24d)   “6-6-6.” Interview about ancient and contemporary interpretations of Revelation, and pop culture myths surrounding the numbers and the date 06/06/06, for the Toronto Star newspaper, June, 2006

(24c) Interview about ancient and contemporary interpretations of Revelation, and pop culture myths surrounding the numbers and the date 06/06/06, for the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, June, 2006

(24b) “The Significance of ’6-6-6’ on June 6, 2006.” Interview for the St. Louis KMOX-Radio “Morning Drive” show, June, 2006

(24a) “The Significance of ’6-6-6’ on June 6, 2006.” Interview for the St. Louis Metro News Network, June, 2006

(23)  “Principles for Reading Paul’s Letters: 1 and 2 Corinthians.” Four-week adult forum, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, April–May, 2006

(22)  “Hebrews: Philosophical Backgrounds and Attitudes toward the First Covenant.” Two-week adult forum, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Creve Coeur, Missouri, February, 2006

(21)  “Greek for the Rest of Us.” Five-week lay education course, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, June–July, 2005

(20)  “The Passion of the Christ according to Mel Gibson and the Gospels.” Saint Louis University Undergraduate Theology Club, March, 17, 2005

(19)  “Shorter New Testament Writings: Philemon and Slavery; Jude and Enochic Judaism.” Two-week adult forum, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Creve Coeur, Missouri, February, 2005

(18)  “Reflections on Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief.” Adult forum, Bel Noir Community of Christ Gateway Mission Center, Bel Noir, Missouri, November 28, 2004

(17)  “The Letters of Paul.” Six-week lay education course, Lutheran School of Theology in
St. Louis, September–October, 2004

(16)  “Pentecost in the Year of Luke.” One-day workshop for St. Louis area Lutheran clergy on the Gospel lessons for the Sundays of Pentecost in the Year of Luke, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, May 20, 2004

(15)  “The Sermon on the Mount/The Sermon on the Plain.” Six-week adult forum, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, April–May, 2004

(14)  “Mel Gibson’s Passion: The Question of Anti-Judaism.” Panel discussion, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis / Episcopal School for Ministry in St. Louis, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Webster Groves, Missouri, March 14, 2004

(13)  “St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness: Preparation for Advent.” Adult forum, Our Lady of Providence Catholic Church, St. Louis, November 8, 2003

(12)  “Family in the New Testament and Today.” Five-week lay education course, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, April–May, 2003

(11)  “The Diet of John the Baptist (Locusts and Wild Honey): Methodological Observations and the Use of Ancient Evidence.” Saint Louis University Theology Faculty-Graduate Student Colloquium, April 1, 2003

(10)  “The Diet of John the Baptist: Introducing Extra-Biblical Sources for Biblical Studies.” Saint Louis University Undergraduate Theology Club, March, 19, 2003

(9)    “Secrecy, Misunderstanding and Suffering: Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, with Observations for Lectionary Year B.” Two-week adult forum, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Creve Coeur, Missouri, March, 2003

(8)    “Paul: Apostle of Controversy.” Six-week lay education course, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, January–February, 2003

(7)    “Galatians: Justification Then and Now.” Six-week adult forum, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, September–October, 2002

(6)    “Jesus in the Gospel of John.” Two lectures in a lay education course on the Gospels, Lutheran School of Theology in St. Louis, in Belleville, Illinois, May 28 and June 4, 2002

(5)    “Bible Basics.” Six-week adult forum, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church (USA), Ladue, Missouri, April–May, 2002

(4)    “Gospel and Gospels in the Second Century.” Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, February 7, 2002

(3)    “Lenten Passages from the Gospel of Luke,” Lecture for Lutheran (ELCA) clergy, Near West Conference, Chicago Metropolitan Synod, February 1, 2001

(2)    Lead church groups and seminary students on tours of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, April–May, 2000

(1)    “Gender Inclusivity and Bible Translation.” Adult forum, Hope Presbyterian Church (USA), Wheaton, Illinois, May 7, 2000